The Dulles Corridor Chapter received the Gold Graalman Award for the 2013-2014 Program Year at March's Chapter Leader Summit. Accepting on the Chapter's behalf is Michael Shingledecker, Treasurer and Misse Parzow, VP Education & Professional Development (second and third from left). Also pictured are Michael Fischetti, NCMA Executive Director (far left) and Larry Trowel, NCMA President (far right).

The Dulles Corridor Chapter received the Gold Graalman Award for the 2013-2014 Program Year at March’s Chapter Leader Summit. Accepting on the Chapter’s behalf is Michael Shingledecker, Treasurer and Misse Parzow, VP Education & Professional Development (second and third from left). Also pictured are Michael Fischetti, NCMA Executive Director (far left) and Larry Trowel, NCMA President (far right).

We are proud to announce that NCMA has awarded the Dulles CorridorGraalman Gold 13-14 Chapter with a Gold Graalman Award for the 2013-2014 program year!

The Graalman Award recognizes chapters that provide the best value to members, taking into account the demographics and unique aspects of the chapter. In reviewing the chapter’s performance for the year, NCMA’s goals and objectives were considered in connecting the chapter and NCMA. The Graalman Award serves as recognition for chapter excellence and the demonstration of effective chapter operations. Gold is the highest possible rating.

Congratulations to the 2013-2014 officers who contributed so much time and effort to achieve this status:

  • Heather Dallara, President
  • Jessica Grant, VP Programs & Operations
  • Susan Crummett, Secretary
  • Michael Shingledecker, Treasurer
  • Allison Robertson, VP Membership
  • Misse Parzow, VP Education & Professional Development