Chapter Members: Submit Your News!

We want to know when our chapter members make significant contributions to the contract management profession. Let us know if you have done any of the following:

  • Participated as an instructor in any program relating to contract management, not sponsored by our chapter and not part of your regular employment. It does include presentations at other NCMA chapters.
  • Authored or co-authored an article for Contract Management or any other similar noteworthy publication.
  • Authored or co-authored an article that was published by any other non-NCMA magazine or published in a newsletter or other employer publications with limited circulation.

So go ahead and brag a little! Submit the form to the right.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Comment (required)

    Reach Us

    You can contact us by filling out the form or using one of the methods below.

    P.O. Box 231324
    Centreville, VA 20120

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